martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Identifying Minerals by their Properties

Its a physical property that alone doesn't provide enough information to make an identification .

The color of the mineral may change but the streak doesn't. You use a porcelain tile to rub the mineral against it and produce streak.

It is the team used to describe how light is reflected from a mineral's surface. There are many types of them such as:

  • earthy

  • waxy

  • pearly

  • glassy

  • metallic

  • greasy

  • dull/sub metallic

  • silky


  • mass over volume

  • doesn't depend on the size of the mineral

  • 1 centimeter squared

  • use a balance (mass) and a graduated cylinder (volume)

  • the mass unit is grams(g.) and the volume unit is centimeters or millimeters(cm. or mm.)

Hardness: The ability of a mineral to resist being scratched goes from 1(talk) up to 10(diamond)

Crystal systems: The crystals of each mineral grow atom by atom from the mineral's crystal structure. The crystal system is given by the number of sides and angles in a given crystal.

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