martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

Crystal Systems

Crystal systems:
There are six crystal systems in total; all minerals have a specific crystal system. Each mineral can be distinguished by its shape, and placed under one of the crystal systems. These systems include cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic and hexagonal crystal systems. The hexagonal crystal system is the only one that is broken down into hexagonal and rhombohedral divisions. The rest don't have any sub-divisions.

Each crystal has many characteristics to identify it, but a characteristic you may never relay on, is its color. I say this because there can be minerals that have the same color as another mineral that is part of a totally different crystal system. Each crystal system has a specific amount of angles and angle degree. Each angle may have a different size; in that case you would represent each with a different letter (a≠b≠c). There can also be angles that have the same size, so you would represent each angle with the same letter, but to differentiate each angle you would write a small number next to the letter (a1=a2=a3 or a1=a2≠b).

For example the Isometric or cubic crystal system has three angles the same size, and each has ninety degrees (90o), its angles are a1=a2=a3. The Tetragonal system has three angles with only one with a different size and each has ninety degrees (90o), its angles are a1=a2≠c. The hexagonal system has four angles, three that are the same size and one that is different, its angles are a1=a2=a3≠c. Between angles a1-3 they are ninety degrees, and angle c has only sixty.Orthorhombic systems have three angles, each with a different size but same degree (ninety), its angles are a≠b≠c. The monoclinic crystal system has three angles, they have all different sizes, and its angles are a≠b≠c. Between angles a-b and b-c they have ninety degrees, but between a-c they have a little less than ninety. The last crystal system is the triclinic, that has three angles with all different sizes, they are all ninety degrees and their angles are a≠b≠c.

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